The following is an article from a Dutch graphology organization.
Author: Aartje Schoemaker/Platform
Handschriftontwikkeling (Holland)
Translated by Annelies Hulzinga
On our site
we feature an article called Handwriting must stay! In this article we present
several reasons why we should keep on teaching handwriting. At the end is an extensive list for further reading.
Due to the
advancement of technology:
a. there's
less focus on the education of handwriting
b. it is
questioned if it is still necessary to educate handwriting
c. so
called Steve Jobs-schools are announced
d. children
who have problems with mastering handwriting are often steered towards using
the computer.
e the
reason why we should learn how to write by hand is often lost due to
unprofessional communication or the lack of information.
We welcome
the use of technology when it's used, primarily, to improve and to support the
personal and cognitive development of a child.
In the
following topics we will expand on:
The mechanical aspect of
The neurological aspects
The improvement of spatial
The psychological arguments
The impact on social interaction
Practical arguments
Historical arguments
Therapeutic arguments
10 The supportive role when learning
how to read
In the
appendix of this article you will find an extensive list of sources and
scientific studies. The numbers between the brackets in that list refer to the
topic number. The topics are more often related than separated topics that's
why you will find overlap between them.
The mechanical aspect of handwriting
is one of the most difficult abilities we teach to our children. It requires to
a good coordination of your body. A precise coordination between eyes, brains
and all your muscles from the neck to the fingers. A hand alone consists of 29
joints and 35 muscles; a fine piece of mechanics! This complex action depends
on a lot of practice. The development of fine motor skills takes years. While
writing your whole body is involved in the process. Handwriting positively
affects the development of fine and gross motor skills.
The Neurological aspects
writing several areas of the brain are connected: through contact with , the
direction of and the pressure of the pen messages are sent to the brain. The
repeating process of handwriting integrates motoric connections in the brain.
cooperation of the left and right part of the brain is stimulated and
maintained by among other things offering paper-based bimanual exercises.
Development, -activity and function are improved. Think of spatial
visualization ability and the ability of visual discrimination.
Also higher
cognitive levels (thinking, language, memory) can be activated by the effects
of the process of learning to write by hand.
“When a
pupil is able to learn handwriting quickly and automatically, he or she is able
to write down his or her thoughts before they are faded away. The maximum
capacity of the brain is used in a proper and better way for creating sentences
and ideas. If you have to reflect on how you're writing, cognitive sources are
left unused”.
helps memorizing the forms of letters. The visual identification of graphical
shapes is supported by the writing movement.
The improvement of spatial orientation
By learning
how to write a pupil also learns how to arrange the available space in a proper
way. He/she learns to estimate distances and spacing of letters, words and
Learning to
write by hand supports the concept of direction : up, down, to the right, to
the left, higher, lower, etc.. Understanding the difference between a long
letter (k, j) and a short letter (a, n) is also learnt.
The psychological arguments
He or she
who writes develops discipline is intrinsically. He/she learns that if you want
to achieve anything you will have to work for it. Concentration is improved and
along with it thinking and the level of intelligence. It brings order, peace
and space in the minds of 'overactive' children. Being able to write stimulates
self-confidence. Handwriting is a physical activity and therefore more in
connection with our feelings. Being in motion yourself connects you with your
emotions much faster than words.
The impact on social interaction
Writing is
and always has been a means of communication. Messages can be transferred
without the messenger being present. The push for being able to communicate
with symbols was the first step towards the development of handwriting. Being
able to communicate by letter makes it more easy to function in society. We
learn to how to take into account other people. Is he or she able to read my
writings? How do I present myself? A handwritten letter shows interest in the
receiver. Proper handwriting education stimulates the upbringing of children to
engaged citizens. “A lot of people will alienate themselves from the
handwriting culture due to the extensive use of moving and/or animated media.
Particularly due to this form of illiteracy they will find themselves at the
dark side of our knowledge based society... Children will be considered a
failure or handicapped when they're not able to write by hand.”
Not so long
ago the social identity of the writer was defined by his handwriting and not
the content of the text.
Practical arguments
make mankind independent of electricity. Our autonomy is kept safe and we don't
become a slave of technology. Handwriting is a practical basic skill, which
serves every other skill in a supportive role. Good handwriting education
improves school grades in a considerable way.
writing down an address, a short note to be put in someones mailbox, compiling
a shopping list, writing a short note: being able to write quickly and readable
is very convenient at these moments. Properly developed fine motor skills lead
to the right handling of different kinds of tools. Think of a dentist or a
invention of the automobile didn’t keep us from walking. A pen is more
affordable than an iPad.
scribble to calligraphy
refinement of control of the fine motor skills gives the opportunity to
creative outbursts of culture. Writing by hand makes thoughts concrete and it
can add beauty to it. The power of shaping thing in an artistic way is only
seen in humans. A polished handwriting is a sight for sore eyes and creating a
beautiful line brings much satisfaction.
Like Ballet
is an esthetic way of dancing, is calligraphy an esthetic way of writing. Not
so long ago, every form of handwriting was considered as the esthetic
embodiment of the collective nature of the social, occupational or gender group
using it exclusively.
Historical arguments
human history mankind left markings behind, created tracks, put up warning
signs and has drawn holy symbols. This development of writing we also see in
children growing up: it draws tracks in the sand with sticks, leaves marks
where it has been, creates tablets of clay and spontaneously all sorts of
forms arise with all sorts of materials.
If we do not teach the children handwriting we would deny them the last step in
fine motor skills, brain and personal development.
Therapeutic arguments
has it’s own unique motion. Emotions influence our way of moving. Graphologists
en handwriting educators are able to perceive blockades in the stream of
movements by observing handwriting.
handwriting movement therapy a.o. personal rhythm is recovered and self
consciousness regained. In children’s handwriting problems can be noticed
before children get stuck. Even together with and after a psychological
examination the handwriting therapist
can add a valuable contribution.
labor proves to be good for a human. It can activate the reward center in the
The supportive role when learning to read
Writing by
hand benefits learning to read because shapes of letter are recognized much
earlier compared to when you type a letter on a keyboard. The motor memory
supports the visual memory.
in summary
One who
does not learn how to write by hand will not evolve in an optimal way
One who
does not learn how to write fails at many discipline
Due to
lacking knowledge of teachers the education of handwriting starts too soon
leading to cramps and deformation.
By writing
by hand man learns how to use the available space and material efficiently.
If we
denied children the education of handwriting, we would deny them the
opportunity of writing ambition and performing at a higher level of thinking:
this all what makes us human!
is important for physical and mental health
evolution of technology (e.g. a laptop) can be highly beneficial for children
with learning and/or motor skill disabilities, but technology should never be
or can be the substitute for the movement of writing.
A person
skilled in handwriting has more possibilities to get a job and is way cheaper
for society when it comes to welfare payments and medical costs.
We as humans
are able to control our own motor skills and technique.
We must
have them both at our disposal independently!
by Annelies Hulzinga
- Met ‘bundel’ wordt bedoeld een deel uit de serie:
“Over kinderhandschrift, schrijfopvoeding en schrijfonderwijs gesproken” van D.
- De cijfers tussen haakjes corresponderen met de
nummering van bovenstaande aspecten / argumenten.
Zie bij, onder
Artikelen: Schrijven moet blijven!, 2008
Zie bij, onder
Artikelen: Waarom kan en mag typen schrijven niet vervangen?, 2010
The Vanguard: Edda Manley –
Report on handwriting in the 21st century, 2012(1, 2)
Bundel 7, hfdst. 3: Schrijven versterkt
het lezen, Jean-Luc Velay & Marieke Longcamp, 2005 (10)
Bundel 8, hfdst. 6: Opvallende
ontwikkeling en leerstoornissen in het schriftbeeld - Renate Joos, 2007 (5)
Bundel 8, hfdst. 3: Het verband tussen
pen, pengreep, het schrijfresultaat en het individu - R. Sassoon, 2007 (6)
Bundel 16, hfdst 18: Dertienjarige jongen met
dysgrafie, T.L. Hopkins: 13-jarige met dysgrafie, 2004 (1, 2, 6)
Bundel 18, hfdst. 2:
The Hand: How It’s Use Shapes The Brain, Frank Wilson 1998 (2)
Bundel 18, hfdst.
2: Handwriting – Path to Literacy?, Jeannette Farmer, 1999 (4)
Bundel 19, hfdst. 3: De functie van het brein
bij het leren schrijven, T. Danielsen, 1984 (2)
Bundel 19, hfdst. 12: Schrijfontwikkeling,
vaardigheid en interventie, K. Feder, 2007 (2)
Bundel 24, hfdst. 10: Hoe schrijven het brein
traint, Gwendolyn Bounds, 2010 (2)
Bundel 23, hfdst. 5 : Historische
schrijfverschillen tussen jongens en meisjes, T. Plakins Thornton, 1996(5,6,7)
Bundel 23, hfdst. 7: Schrijfopvoeding en mensvorming,
Dr. G. Rahn, 1961, (7, 9)
Bundel 26, hfdst. 4: De vele gezondheidsvoordelen
van goed handschrift, J. Deardorff, 2011 (2, 4)
Bundel 26, hfdst. 2: De voordelen van cursief
schrift, S. Blumenfeld, 2005 (3, 10)
Bundel 27, hfdst. 5: Waarom scholen
schrijfonderwijs moeten geven, zelfs als typen nuttig is, K. Stokes, 2011 (2)
Bundel 27, hfdst. 9: Kunst van schrijven op
punt van wederopleving , J. Hoermann, 2011 (2)
Bundel 27, hfdst. 10: Intelligentie en de kunst van
cursief schrijven, dr. D. Sortino, 2011 (2, 10)
Bundel 28, hfdst. 12: Kinderen leren schrijven en
het verband met de ontwikkeling van ruimtelijk bewustzijn bij het kind, A. Mc.
Allen, 1977 (3)
Bundel 28, hfdst. 17: Schrijven en het brein:
Neurowetenschap toont de wegen naar leren, Judy Willis 2011 (2)
Bundel 29, hfdst. 4: Het schrijven van
kinderen verbeteren? Verwaarloos hun handschrift niet, Steve Graham, 2009/2010
(2, 5)
Bundel 29, hfdst. 6: Schrijven moet
blijven, D. Schermer, 2006 (2, 10, 4)
Bundel 30, hfdst. 9: Waarom lopend
schrift aanleren?, Iris Hatfield (2, 3, 4, 6, 10)
Bundel 30, hfdst.12: Waarom schrijven op school
belangrijk is, Linda Green, 2012 (2, 5)
Bundel 31, hfdst.11: De verloren kunst, L.Rivkin,
2012 (1, 2, 4,)
Bundel 31, hfdst.18: Het nieuwste over de twee(!)
basisschriften, Ines Grämiger, 2012 (2)
Bundel 32. hfdst. 1:
Why You Learn More Effectively by Writing Than Typing, Melanie Pinola,, 2011
(1, 2, 4, 10)
SPH Nieuwsbrief, pg. 27, krantenartikel (2012) uit
Canada: Karin Harman James, (2)
Idem pg.
,, ,,
,, ,, ,,
: Virginia Berninger, (2)
Idem :
Katja Feder, (2)
Van pen naar toets?, José Riepstra, 2012
Evidence Statement ‘Motorische schrijfproblemen bij
kinderen’, A. Overvelde e.a., p.10, 2011 (10)
Acta Psychol: The influence
of writing practice on letter recognition in preschool children, J.L. Velay en
M. Longcamp, 2005 (2, 10)
The Vanguard, jan-mrt.:Waarom lopend schrift
aanleren, Iris Hatfield 2012 (10, 6, 3, 1,2)
Grapho-Therapeutics, Pen
and Pencil Therapy, P. de Sainte Colombe, 1ste druk 1966, 10e dr.
1988 (9)
Vier! Dec. 2010, pg. 45: ‘Lifting depression’, Kelly
Lambert (1, 2, 9) neurowetenschapper
Het maakbare brein, Margriet Sitskoorn, Bert
Bakker/ Amsterdam, 2007 (2, 9)
‘Visie VLSM’, zie Handschrift .., onbelangrijk?
Leren schrijven belangrijk in computertijdperk, Miriam
van den Brand
Sources Handwriting must stay
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Beschel, G. (1993): Beiträge zur Psychologie der
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Issue 72, Autumn 2001
Cristofanelli, P. (2006): Du
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Dommelen, J. van (1999): Is er nog toekomst voor
het schrijven? Symposium
Jaar van
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Farmer, J. (1995/1996):
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Waarom leren we nog schrijven?
In: D. Schermer & A.C.M. Schoemaker-Ytsma:
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Lethaby, W.R.: Writing and
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Vereniging Leraren
Schoonschrijven en Machineschrijven,
Instituut Haenen-van der Hout,
Platform Handschriftontwikkeling,